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What is the Xi tribe also known as the Xi-Amaru tribe?

Founder and CEO of Aboriginal Ministry of Justice Nnakina Xi-Amaru explain; What is the Xi tribe also known as the Xi-Amaru tribe. She goes on to say; since the late 20th century many Aboriginal, people also misnomer black people have become aware of their indigenous connections to America. She also mentions that many popular tribes such as; Cherokee, Creek, and others take measures to implement rules and regulations to exclude this group of people. For many years, this left the people without options to address their nationality back to indigenous. In the early 20th century, that used to be the only form of tribal membership available in the landmass popularly known as the United States. 

Ms. Xi-Amaru also went on to say, the founder of ARNA (The Aboriginal Republic of North America) understood, the approval for this group of people to operate is not dependent on approval from any of the popular know tribe. What she means is; aboriginal people have come together utilizing the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to remedy the genocide and denationalization experienced in America, this is one of the processes we utilize to do so. Within the declarations are those rights that exist in recognition of the specific condition of the indigenous peoples. This includes not only the most basic human rights of physical survival and integrity, but also the rights over their land (including native title), language, religion, and other elements of cultural heritage that are a part of their existence and identity as a people. CLICK HERE to read more regarding the declaration. 

In conclusion People who experience genocide and denationalization in America, make up the Xi tribe. The Xi tribe are descendants of many American tribes, but through the right to self determination are able to move forward with the Xi tribe as a new tribal beginning. 

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