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Xi-Amaru Native Americans: A Journey Through History and Revival

Table of Contents

Historical Background

The Xi-Amaru Native Americans are the melanated original people of the Americas, tracing their ancestry back to the ancient civilizations that once thrived across the continent. These civilizations were among the early builders of the pyramids, showcasing advanced knowledge in architecture, astronomy, and other sciences. Their contributions to the development of early American societies were profound, leaving a lasting legacy in the form of monumental structures and sophisticated cultural practices.

During the period of colonization, many Xi-Amaru people were forcibly enslaved and subjected to harsh conditions, disrupting their way of life and causing significant cultural and societal damage. This historical period saw the displacement and marginalization of the Xi-Amaru, along with the destruction of much of their cultural heritage.

Self-Determination: Their Identity Today

Today, the Xi-Amaru Native Americans primarily reside in the country known internationally as the United States, but within their community, it is known as Amexum. They possess dual status, recognizing their identity both as citizens of the United States and as members of the sovereign Xi-Amaru nation. This dual status allows them to navigate both the federal laws of the United States and their indigenous rights.

Reclaiming Sovereignty and Culture

In response to the historical injustices they have endured, the Xi-Amaru Native Americans are leveraging their indigenous rights and international law to rebuild their community and preserve their heritage. 

 Here are some of the key initiatives they are undertaking:

Re-establishing their indigenous government to exercise sovereignty and self-determination. This enables the Xi-Amaru to govern themselves according to their customs, traditions, and legal systems.

Revitalizing and preserving their own cultural heritage. Which has had many misnomer names throughout history: Colored, Negro, Black and others. 

These efforts are made to pass down old but also their new traditions that were formed post-colonization to future generations.

Focusing on Implementing sustainable and culturally appropriate economic development programs.

This includes promoting businesses within the community and securing economic independence.

Utilizing international laws and treaties that recognize the rights of indigenous peoples.

Instruments such as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) provide a framework for claiming rights and seeking justice.

Raising awareness about their history, rights, and current issues among both the Xi-Amaru community and the broader public. Education is a critical tool for empowerment and advocacy.

Developing healthcare and social service programs that address the specific needs of the Xi-Amaru community, aiming to repair the physical and psychological wounds of colonization.

Forming alliances with other jurisdictions, in their efforts for justice and equality for its people.


By asserting their indigenous rights and utilizing international law, the Xi-Amaru Native Americans are working to heal from the traumas of colonization and build a future that honors their heritage and secures their sovereignty. These efforts are essential to restoring the dignity, culture, and autonomy of the Xi-Amaru people.

Are you a tribal member?

Are you interested in discovering whether you qualify for adjustment of status to Indigenous/Native American? If so, our tribal screening process can assist, which is the first step to becoming a national of the Xi-Amaru Republic.

Are you interested in discovering whether you qualify for adjustment of status to Indigenous/Native American? If so, our tribal screening process can assist, which is the first step to becoming a national of the Xi-Amaru Republic.

Our nation is committed to preserving our culture, traditions, and history, and we welcome individuals who meet our eligibility criteria to join us. Our screening process is designed to determine whether you meet the requirements for membership in our tribe. 

Once becoming a national of the Xi-Amaru Republic also known as an unofficial tribal member, through our tribal screening process, you can move forward with becoming a citizen of the nation.

The tribal enrollment process includes comprehensive nationalization services for both children and adults. Our mission is to help individuals who have experienced denationalization as a result of past atrocities such as genocide, to regain a proper nationality and move forward as Indigenous/Native Americans.

Tribal credentials refer to tribal IDs that are government-issued identification cards that are designed for our nation, the Xi-Amaru Republic. These IDs are issued by us for the tribal government to members of the nation-state, and they include biographical information such as the name, birth date, and tribal affiliation of the individual. Tribal IDs are used for a variety of purposes, such as voting in tribal elections, accessing tribal services, and proving one’s identity when traveling.


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